Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Well, here it goes!

Long story short, I'm from Dallas, Texas. José, my husband, is from Zacatecas, México. We met and fell in love in 2004. We married in 2006. José immigrated to Texas shortly thereafter. Our family grew: Esperanza (2006), Leonardo (2008), and Itzel (2010). I graduated with an Associate in Arts in 2010. We moved to Zacatecas in May of this year, and in August, I became an EFL teacher. I love my family, my job, and my life. I also like cooking, making music, copyediting, gardening, watching the night sky, and playing Xbox 360 Kinect. I'm not a fan of religion, cancer, traffic, temperatures over 88 degrees Fahrenheit, or sweeping the floor. 

Blah blah blah:
It's been a little over half a year since we moved here to Zacatecas. I'm feeling well adjusted and acclimated. My Spanish is improving by the day. Honestly, there are only a few things that I miss about Texas; my family, Dublin Dr Pepper, Mesquite Bar-B-Q, Shiner, and Super Target to name a few. I love it here. I love the view, the climate, the pace, the people, the lifestyle... Did I mention that I love the food? The traditions? The Spanish language? There are too many things to love about this place. So much to see. So much to learn. That's why I thought I would create a blog about it all.

Mission statement:
This blog is to document my culinary journey and investigation of the Mexican humanities and social sciences. To share my experiences, as I explore the heart of México; the culture and cuisine of Zacatecas.

Welcome to my blog.
Thanks for reading!
To México and Beyond...

Aprovecha el día,
Charlotte (Carlota)

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